Custom Graphics & DESIGNS

Design what you want your customers, employees and users to see. From great packaging to eye catching posters, we are here to help!

Graphic Design is everywhere! It is the core element that can make or break an idea considering the critical few seconds of attention span that people have today. According to recent research, 52% of people feel custom and unique product packaging makes the product more valuable. 

A good design needs to strike a balance between functionality, simplicity and being informative. At the same time, it should have an unique presence that catches the eye. 

At Box Day Out, we take a holistic approach and begin with a process driven approach to understand your needs. 

  • What is the purpose of the design?
  • Who is the audience?
  • What standards need to be followed?
  • How will the design be printed or produced?
  • Will the design be used across multiple channels?

Our broad range of services cater to your various needs across the following. 

  • Product Packaging
  • Electronic or Digital Product Pages
  • Corporate Office Posters or Start Up Vitamins
  • Corporate Photography (post-processing)
  • Graphics customized as per your brand identity
  • Event & Conference Graphics
  • Custom Graphics for Souvenirs or other give-aways
  • Custom designed illustrations for web, print and mobile
  • Designs for Signage and Displays
  • Web & Outdoor Advertising

People remember 10% of what they hear, but 65% of what they see. This makes it critical to design elements for your conferences and events that are consistent with your brand, yet striking and memorable.

Let us help you!